Released on Mar-19-2021
The following document is the specification of the REST API for the trouble ticket resource. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations. Possible actions are creating and retrieving a trouble ticket, partially updating trouble ticket. Furthermore, the GET allows filtering using standard filter criteria.
The Trouble Ticket API provides a standardized client interface to Trouble Ticket Management Systems for creating, tracking and managing trouble tickets as a result of an issue identified by a customer or another system. Examples of Trouble Ticket API originators (clients) include CRM applications, network management or fault management systems, or other Trouble Ticket management systems (e.g. B2B).
The API supports the ability to send requests to create a new trouble ticket specifying the nature and severity of the trouble or issue as well as all necessary related information. The API also includes mechanisms to search for and update existing trouble tickets. Notifications are defined to provide information when a trouble ticket has been updated, including status changes. A basic set of states of a trouble ticket has been specified (as an example) to handle trouble ticket lifecycle management.
Sr No. | Operation | Flow | Origin | Description |
1 | CreateTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Partner initiates a creation of Trouble Ticket. The API offer guaranteed message delivery. |
2 | PatchTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Customer requests to update an existing Ticket into Bell (by Bell Ticket ID). The API offers guaranteed message delivery. In a Patch request, the customer should only be sending fields that need to be changed/updated and not the entire payload. |
3 | RetrieveTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Get Trouble Ticket details for the given Bell Ticket ID. |
4 | ListTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Get list of Trouble Tickets. All Trouble Tickets created internally by Bell or Externally by Partners can be retrieved for the given customer. |
5 | CreateHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Create Hub to register a listener for all incoming communications / notifications from Bell to Customer. Hub enables publish and subscribe pattern for the create and update notifications. |
6 | GetHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Retrieve Hub already created on Bell. Customer can retrieve all the listeners registered on hub for a specific Hub ID. |
7 | DeleteHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Delete a Hub resource on Bell. Customer can delete registered Hub by Hub ID |
8 | GetMonitor | Utility | Customer Initiated | Retrieve the ticket status at any given point in time. This is mainly used when the operation is asynchronous. This function is optional; The client may chose to integrate it or not. |
9 | Publish Notification | Bell To Partner | Bell Initiated | Bell sends update notifications, status change notifications, outbound communications or BELL initiated trouble ticket notification via registered listener on Hub. |
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
GET /trouble Ticket
fields | Comma separated properties to display in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
offset | Requested index for start of resources to be provided in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
number |
limit | Requested number of resources to be provided in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
Integer |
sort | To have the output sorted by fields. Can support one or many fields, as well as ascending and descending sort order | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
expand | Lists the sub-entities to expand along with the depth value. Empty means expand all at depth level N | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
depth | Depth level where objects are dereferenced and inserted as values into the response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
fromDateTime | Retrieve incidents between fromDateTime and toDateTime or current date and time | |
Required in query | ||
string |
sourceSystemId | ID of the source system calling the API | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
toDateTime | Retrieve incidents between this date time to current date and time | |
Optional in query | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
string |
200 | Ok
TroubleTicket [] |
400 | Bad Request
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Unauthorized
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Forbidden
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Method Not allowed
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Conflict
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Internal Server Error
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.", "externalId": "4306705892507648", "ticketType": "rosm", "creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z", "priority": "HIgh", "status": "Resolved", "@type": "zamm", "@baseType": "TroubleTicket", "@schemaLocation": "vadzenv", "relatedEntity": [ { "description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.", "id": "3913475155820544", "@type": "anocew", "@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef", "@schemaLocation": "zuvlou", "href": "ziha", "name": "Maggie Hudson", "role": "jouv", "sourceSystemId": "CustomerA", "@referredType": "rucuzor" } ], "note": [ { "id": "7413698601680896", "text": "kiuf", "noteType": "log", "@type": "isuh", "@baseType": "Note", "@schemaLocation": "awguna" } ], "relatedParty": [ { "href": "bebap", "role": "uwofuzdi", "name": "Sophia Elliott", "emailAddress": "", "@referredType": "okkozacp", "@type": "maibvovm", "@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef", "@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo" } ], "attachment": [ { "name": "Jean French", "content": "ubevuge", "@type": "potato", "@baseType": "Attachment", "@schemaLocation": "gujifezi" } ] }'
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("POST", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}",
"accept: application/json",
"content-type: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
POST /troubleTicket
troubleTicket | The Trouble Ticket to be created | |
Required in body | TroubleTicket_Create | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
201 | Created
TroubleTicket |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
GET /troubleTicket/{id}
id | Identifier of the Trouble Ticket | |
Required in path | ||
string |
expand | Lists the sub-entities to expand along with the depth value. Empty means expand all at depth level N | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
depth | Depth level where objects are dereferenced and inserted as values into the response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
fields | Comma separated properties to display in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | Ok
TroubleTicket [] |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request PATCH \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.", "externalId": "4306705892507648", "ticketType": "rosm", "creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z", "priority": "HIgh", "status": "Resolved", "@type": "zamm", "@baseType": "TroubleTicket", "@schemaLocation": "vadzenv", "relatedEntity": [ { "description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.", "id": "3913475155820544", "@type": "anocew", "@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef", "@schemaLocation": "zuvlou", "href": "ziha", "name": "Maggie Hudson", "role": "jouv", "sourceSystemId": "CustomerA", "@referredType": "rucuzor" } ], "note": [ { "id": "7413698601680896", "text": "kiuf", "noteType": "log", "@type": "isuh", "@baseType": "Note", "@schemaLocation": "awguna" } ], "relatedParty": [ { "href": "bebap", "role": "uwofuzdi", "name": "Sophia Elliott", "emailAddress": "", "@referredType": "okkozacp", "@type": "maibvovm", "@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef", "@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo" } ], "attachment": [ { "name": "Jean French", "content": "ubevuge", "@type": "potato", "@baseType": "Attachment", "@schemaLocation": "gujifezi" } ] }'
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("PATCH", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}",
"accept: application/json",
"content-type: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
PATCH /troubleTicket/{id}
id | Identifier of the Trouble Ticket | |
Required in path | ||
string |
troubleTicket | The Trouble Ticket to be updated | |
Required in body | TroubleTicket_Update | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | Updated
TroubleTicket |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--header 'content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"callback":"ukoecole","query":"tamseep"}'
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json;charset=utf-8",
'accept': "application/json;charset=utf-8",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("POST", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}",
"accept: application/json;charset=utf-8",
"content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json;charset=utf-8");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
POST /hub
data | Data containing the callback endpoint to deliver the information | |
Required in body | EventSubscriptionInput | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
object |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
201 | Subscribed
EventSubscription |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
GET /monitor/{monitorid}
monitorid | ||
Required in path | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | successful operation
Monitor |
201 | Success
ErrorRepresentation |
404 | Resource Not Found
ErrorRepresentation |
404 | Unsupported Media Type
ErrorRepresentation |
The following document is the specification of the REST API for the trouble ticket resource. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations. Possible actions are creating and retrieving a trouble ticket, partially updating trouble ticket. Furthermore, the GET allows filtering using standard filter criteria.
The Trouble Ticket API provides a standardized client interface to Trouble Ticket Management Systems for creating, tracking and managing trouble tickets as a result of an issue identified by a customer or another system. Examples of Trouble Ticket API originators (clients) include CRM applications, network management or fault management systems, or other Trouble Ticket management systems (e.g. B2B).
The API supports the ability to send requests to create a new trouble ticket specifying the nature and severity of the trouble or issue as well as all necessary related information. The API also includes mechanisms to search for and update existing trouble tickets. Notifications are defined to provide information when a trouble ticket has been updated, including status changes. A basic set of states of a trouble ticket has been specified (as an example) to handle trouble ticket lifecycle management.
Sr No. | Operation | Flow | Origin | Description |
1 | CreateTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Partner initiates a creation of Trouble Ticket. The API offer guaranteed message delivery. |
2 | PatchTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Customer requests to update an existing Ticket into Bell (by Bell Ticket ID). The API offers guaranteed message delivery. In a Patch request, the customer should only be sending fields that need to be changed/updated and not the entire payload. |
3 | RetrieveTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Get Trouble Ticket details for the given Bell Ticket ID. |
4 | ListTroubleTicket | Partner To Bell | Customer Initiated | Get list of Trouble Tickets. All Trouble Tickets created internally by Bell or Externally by Partners can be retrieved for the given customer. |
5 | CreateHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Create Hub to register a listener for all incoming communications / notifications from Bell to Customer. Hub enables publish and subscribe pattern for the create and update notifications. |
6 | GetHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Retrieve Hub already created on Bell. Customer can retrieve all the listeners registered on hub for a specific Hub ID. |
7 | DeleteHub | Utility | Customer Initiated | Delete a Hub resource on Bell. Customer can delete registered Hub by Hub ID |
8 | GetMonitor | Utility | Customer Initiated | Retrieve the ticket status at any given point in time. This is mainly used when the operation is asynchronous. This function is optional; The client may chose to integrate it or not. |
9 | Publish Notification | Bell To Partner | Bell Initiated | Bell sends update notifications, status change notifications, outbound communications or BELL initiated trouble ticket notification via registered listener on Hub. |
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
GET /trouble Ticket
fields | Comma separated properties to display in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
offset | Requested index for start of resources to be provided in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
number |
limit | Requested number of resources to be provided in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
Integer |
sort | To have the output sorted by fields. Can support one or many fields, as well as ascending and descending sort order | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
expand | Lists the sub-entities to expand along with the depth value. Empty means expand all at depth level N | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
depth | Depth level where objects are dereferenced and inserted as values into the response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
fromDateTime | Retrieve incidents between fromDateTime and toDateTime or current date and time | |
Required in query | ||
string |
sourceSystemId | ID of the source system calling the API | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
toDateTime | Retrieve incidents between this date time to current date and time | |
Optional in query | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
string |
200 | Ok
TroubleTicket [] |
400 | Bad Request
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Unauthorized
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Forbidden
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Method Not allowed
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Conflict
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Internal Server Error
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.", "externalId": "4306705892507648", "ticketType": "rosm", "creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z", "priority": "HIgh", "status": "Resolved", "@type": "zamm", "@baseType": "TroubleTicket", "@schemaLocation": "vadzenv", "relatedEntity": [ { "description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.", "id": "3913475155820544", "@type": "anocew", "@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef", "@schemaLocation": "zuvlou", "href": "ziha", "name": "Maggie Hudson", "role": "jouv", "sourceSystemId": "CustomerA", "@referredType": "rucuzor" } ], "note": [ { "id": "7413698601680896", "text": "kiuf", "noteType": "log", "@type": "isuh", "@baseType": "Note", "@schemaLocation": "awguna" } ], "relatedParty": [ { "href": "bebap", "role": "uwofuzdi", "name": "Sophia Elliott", "emailAddress": "", "@referredType": "okkozacp", "@type": "maibvovm", "@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef", "@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo" } ], "attachment": [ { "name": "Jean French", "content": "ubevuge", "@type": "potato", "@baseType": "Attachment", "@schemaLocation": "gujifezi" } ] }'
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("POST", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}",
"accept: application/json",
"content-type: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
POST /troubleTicket
troubleTicket | The Trouble Ticket to be created | |
Required in body | TroubleTicket_Create | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
201 | Created
TroubleTicket |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "7227640110907392",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
GET /troubleTicket/{id}
id | Identifier of the Trouble Ticket | |
Required in path | ||
string |
expand | Lists the sub-entities to expand along with the depth value. Empty means expand all at depth level N | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
depth | Depth level where objects are dereferenced and inserted as values into the response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
fields | Comma separated properties to display in response | |
Optional In Query | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | Ok
TroubleTicket [] |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request PATCH \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.", "externalId": "4306705892507648", "ticketType": "rosm", "creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z", "priority": "HIgh", "status": "Resolved", "@type": "zamm", "@baseType": "TroubleTicket", "@schemaLocation": "vadzenv", "relatedEntity": [ { "description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.", "id": "3913475155820544", "@type": "anocew", "@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef", "@schemaLocation": "zuvlou", "href": "ziha", "name": "Maggie Hudson", "role": "jouv", "sourceSystemId": "CustomerA", "@referredType": "rucuzor" } ], "note": [ { "id": "7413698601680896", "text": "kiuf", "noteType": "log", "@type": "isuh", "@baseType": "Note", "@schemaLocation": "awguna" } ], "relatedParty": [ { "href": "bebap", "role": "uwofuzdi", "name": "Sophia Elliott", "emailAddress": "", "@referredType": "okkozacp", "@type": "maibvovm", "@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef", "@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo" } ], "attachment": [ { "name": "Jean French", "content": "ubevuge", "@type": "potato", "@baseType": "Attachment", "@schemaLocation": "gujifezi" } ] }'
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("PATCH", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
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"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
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"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
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"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}",
"accept: application/json",
"content-type: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"description\":\"Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.\",\"externalId\":\"4306705892507648\",\"ticketType\":\"rosm\",\"creationDate\":\"2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z\",\"priority\":\"HIgh\",\"status\":\"Resolved\",\"@type\":\"zamm\",\"@baseType\":\"TroubleTicket\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"vadzenv\",\"relatedEntity\":[{\"description\":\"Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.\",\"id\":\"3913475155820544\",\"@type\":\"anocew\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedEntityRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"zuvlou\",\"href\":\"ziha\",\"name\":\"Maggie Hudson\",\"role\":\"jouv\",\"sourceSystemId\":\"CustomerA\",\"@referredType\":\"rucuzor\"}],\"note\":[{\"id\":\"7413698601680896\",\"text\":\"kiuf\",\"noteType\":\"log\",\"@type\":\"isuh\",\"@baseType\":\"Note\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"awguna\"}],\"relatedParty\":[{\"href\":\"bebap\",\"role\":\"uwofuzdi\",\"name\":\"Sophia Elliott\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"@referredType\":\"okkozacp\",\"@type\":\"maibvovm\",\"@baseType\":\"RelatedPartyRef\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"wiwesbo\"}],\"attachment\":[{\"name\":\"Jean French\",\"content\":\"ubevuge\",\"@type\":\"potato\",\"@baseType\":\"Attachment\",\"@schemaLocation\":\"gujifezi\"}]}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "45SD9K333",
"description": "Zason hituhvaw efe suloc kucaw kugi gihumi wiggis uw po huwut ro ra pumjaino fegumpab dez wu.",
"externalId": "4306705892507648",
"ticketType": "rosm",
"creationDate": "2003-05-08T07:40:05.189Z",
"priority": "High",
"status": "Resolved",
"@type": "zamm",
"@baseType": "TroubleTicket",
"@schemaLocation": "vadzenv",
"relatedEntity": [
"description": "Beaj piedapov mojpow emiif nacah nohhu nidewino muso gorimam zazalog geasi nupca tohodo bojtu tene rihti vobeoco.",
"id": "3913475155820544",
"@type": "anocew",
"@baseType": "RelatedEntityRef",
"@schemaLocation": "zuvlou",
"href": "ziha",
"name": "Maggie Hudson",
"role": "jouv",
"sourceSystemId": "CustomerA",
"@referredType": "rucuzor"
"note": [
"id": "7413698601680896",
"text": "kiuf",
"noteType": "log",
"@type": "isuh",
"@baseType": "Note",
"@schemaLocation": "awguna"
"relatedParty": [
"href": "bebap",
"role": "uwofuzdi",
"name": "Sophia Elliott",
"emailAddress": "",
"@referredType": "okkozacp",
"@type": "maibvovm",
"@baseType": "RelatedPartyRef",
"@schemaLocation": "wiwesbo"
"attachment": [
"name": "Jean French",
"content": "ubevuge",
"@type": "potato",
"@baseType": "Attachment",
"@schemaLocation": "gujifezi"
PATCH /troubleTicket/{id}
id | Identifier of the Trouble Ticket | |
Required in path | ||
string |
troubleTicket | The Trouble Ticket to be updated | |
Required in body | TroubleTicket_Update | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | Updated
TroubleTicket |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--header 'content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
--data '{"callback":"ukoecole","query":"tamseep"}'
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json;charset=utf-8",
'accept': "application/json;charset=utf-8",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("POST", "", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}",
"accept: application/json;charset=utf-8",
"content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
// OkHttpClient from
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json;charset=utf-8");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"callback\":\"ukoecole\",\"query\":\"tamseep\"}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
.addHeader("accept", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "1sde46g4g",
"callback": "bamuowuw",
"query": "ticogru"
POST /hub
data | Data containing the callback endpoint to deliver the information | |
Required in body | EventSubscriptionInput | |
object |
Content-Type | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
object |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
201 | Subscribed
EventSubscription |
400 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
401 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
403 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
405 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
409 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
422 | Unprocessable Entity
ErrorRepresentation |
500 | Ok
ErrorRepresentation |
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"accept: application/json",
'x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("accept", "application/json")
.addHeader('x-external-system' \ (for use in sandbox mode only, pass any unique value >= 8 chars))
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
"id": "z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd",
"externalId": "84009",
"state": "New",
"response": {
"statusCode": "201",
"body": "{\"id\":\"z55a6nQBdX3Vbj8xclMd\",\"externalID\":\"84009\",\"priority\":\"Low\",\"state\":\"New\"}"
"href": "https://baseurl/monitor/84009"
GET /monitor/{monitorid}
monitorid | ||
Required in path | ||
string |
Accept | application/json | |
Optional in header | ||
string |
200 | successful operation
Monitor |
201 | Success
ErrorRepresentation |
404 | Resource Not Found
ErrorRepresentation |
404 | Unsupported Media Type
ErrorRepresentation |